類型: 亞洲菜 燒烤
地址:1250 Broadway 39th Fl (between 32nd St & 31st St) New York, NY 10001
類型: 壽司
地址:229 E 14th St, New York, NY 10003
地址:551 Madison Ave (between 56th St & 55th St) New York, NY 10022
類型: 日本料理
地址:Brookfield Place, 200 Vesey St, New York, NY 10080
地址:58 W 44th St (between 5th Ave & Avenue Of The Americas) New York, NY 10036
地址:10 Morton St (between S 7th Ave & Bleecker St) New York,NY 10014,USA
地址:Pennsylvania Station, New York, NY 10119, USA
類型: 美國菜
地址:Le Parker Meridien New York, 119 W 56th St, New York, NY 10019
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