Discover the ?Italian Riviera??located between the sea and the mountains. Pass by Bordighera: a famous sea side resort which panorama extends toward the Principality of Monaco and Cannes, revealing its luxurious mansions adorned by orange trees and its historical center.Then follow your escape toward Dolceacqua, along the Nervia river, step over it by an old footbridge painted a hundred time by Monnet. Dive immediately centuries ago, through medieval architecture. Afterward, appreciate our suggestion’s lunch and maybe taste the “Rossese” (local wine), speciality of the village (not included).Then, no time for a nap, an other valley is expecting you to proudly introduce you one of the most beautiful Italian village: Apricale. At a venture, let’s get into the bowels of the village, eyes up to the sky to admire tall stoned houses, get lost among the mysterious narrow cobbled streets. Play to find your way like in a labyrinth and just listen the stories of old stones.