薩爾塔超值遊:查爾查奇山谷(Calchaqu? Valley)+卡法亞特(cafayate)酒莊+Humahuaca谷一日遊

  • 薩爾塔超值遊:查爾查奇山谷(Calchaqu? Valley)+卡法亞特(cafayate)酒莊+Humahuaca谷一日遊

    薩爾塔超值遊:查爾查奇山谷(Calchaqu? Valley)+卡法亞特(cafayate)酒莊+Humahuaca谷一日遊



  • 薩爾塔

  • 2 天

  • 電子票


Discover two of Argentina’s most spectacular natural attractions with this Salta Super Saver that combines day trips to the Humahuaca Valley and the Calchaqu? Valley. Over two full days, see stunning rock formations and gorges, visit mountain villages, admire colonial churches, marvel at multicolored hills and sample delicious Argentine wine. On both day trips, you’ll be accompanied by a knowledgeable guide. This Super Saver takes place over two days; the order of the tours is determined based on availability.



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Both day trips start with pickups from downtown hotels in Salta. You have free time for about one hour each day to buy lunch at a local restaurant, or eat a packed lunch if you bring one with you.
薩爾塔超值遊:查爾查奇山谷(Calchaqu? Valley)+卡法亞特(cafayate)酒莊+Humahuaca谷一日遊


Both day trips depart from downtown Salta hotels

Humahuaca Valley tour: 6:30am Cafayate tour: 7am

Both day trips return to original departure points


Humahuaca Valley Day Trip from Salta:
After hotel pickup in Salta by your local guide, your 10-hour day trip through the Humahuaca Valley (Quebrada de Humahuaca), a UNESCO World Heritage site, starts with the 2.5- to 3-hour drive to your first stop, the village of Purmamarca. When you arrive, your guide will tell you a bit about the village, and then give you about 40 minutes of free time to explore on your own. Visit the viewpoint overlooking the Hill of the Seven Colors (Cerro de los Siete Colores), check out the craft market on the main square or just wander the cobbled streets.

Continue 30 minutes north to the town of Tilcara, where you’ll visit the Pucar?, the ruins of a pre-Incan fortification. Declared a National Monument, the Pucar? offers nice views of the valley. Spend 30 minutes here, and then keep heading north through the valley, stopping for a 5-minute photo op at the Tropic of Capricorn and passing by Cerro Pollera de Coya, a multicolored hill.

Next, arrive in the small town of Uqu?a, known for its 17th-century church. Visit the church with your guide to see its famous Cuzco School (Escuela Cuzque Access denied