多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點

  • 多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點

    多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點

  • Montreal Canadiens Dressing Room

    Montreal Canadiens Dressing Room

  • Roma loma

    Roma loma

  • Casa Loma Tower

    Casa Loma Tower

  • CN Tower

    CN Tower

  • Casa Loma Conservatory

    Casa Loma Conservatory

  • Royal Ontario Museum - Toronto

    Royal Ontario Museum - Toronto

  • Casa Loma - Toronto

    Casa Loma - Toronto

  • Toronto Harbour

    Toronto Harbour



  • 多倫多

  • Flexible

  • 紙質電子票





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- 卡薩羅馬(Casa Loma),包括皮拉特電影( Pellatt Film)
- 加拿大國家電視塔(CN Tower)
- 安大略省科學館(Ontario Science Center)
- 皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum)
- 多倫多動物園(Toronto Zoo)


加拿大國家電視塔(CN Tower)

加拿大國家電視塔被認為是多倫多的地標,每年吸引超過200萬人次參觀。自從在1976年落成後,該塔一直被吉尼斯世界紀錄大全紀錄為最高的建築物,直至被哈利法塔(迪拜塔)超越為止。它也是世界第二高的通訊塔,塔內擁有將近一千七百多級的金屬階梯,塔高約等於於一百幾十層樓的高度。塔內裝有多部高速外罩玻璃電梯,只需58秒就可以將遊客從電視塔底層送至最高層,在塔頂可以遠遠眺望整個多倫多城市以及安大略湖等周圍的景色。您可以在1136英尺的?望臺(Look Out)高空向外眺望,也可以在世界最高人造觀景臺—高達1465英尺的天空之蓋(Sky Pod),享受一覽眾山小的快感。或者您也可以挑戰一下您的膽量,在1122英尺的玻璃層(Glass Floor)向下俯瞰!接著在地平線咖啡廳(Horizons Cafe)或在360餐廳(360 Restaurant)吃一頓簡餐。

觀景臺體驗票共包含?望臺(Look Out)、玻璃層(Glass Floor)和天空之蓋(Sky Pod)。

地址:301 Front Street West, in the heart of the Toronto Entertainment District

皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum)
藝術、考古、科學和自然的知名藏品的所在之地。從恐龍時期、埃及古蹟到歐洲時期的房間以及生物多樣美術館(Hands-on Biodiversity Gallery)。千萬別錯過了各式各樣的特殊展覽,其中包含展望未來(Views of the Future)、建築學復興項目(architectural redevelopment projects)等各式來自全球的展覽。


地址:100 Queen's Park (at Bloor St. West and Avenue Rd)

卡薩羅馬(Casa Loma)
卡薩羅馬古堡位於加拿大多倫多市區以北的奧斯丁臺的山頭上,它十分的典雅、壯麗。它曾是加拿大20世紀初首屈一指的富豪亨利·米爾·柏拉特爵士(Sir Henry Mill Pellatt)的私宅。



地址:1 Austin Terrace, corner of Spadina and Davenport Rd

安大略省科學館(Ontario Science Center)

此通票僅限門票。立體電影院(OMNIMAX Theater)和停車場需額外收費。

地址:770 Don Mills Rd at Eglinton Ave East. Accessible by car, with on-site parking

多倫多動物園(Toronto Zoo)
佔地710英畝的動物園中擁有超過5000只動物。查萊氏探索樂園(Zellers Discovery Zone)是遊客必到之處,也是孩子們的天堂。樂園裡有體驗互動樂趣的兒童動物園(Kids Zoo),享受戲水樂趣的水上樂園(Splash Island)—一處2英畝的水上玩樂之所。動物園內還有一個可容納750人座的水榭劇場(Waterslide Theater),您可以看到各式精彩的動物表演。佔地30英畝的非洲草原(African Savanna)和大猩猩雨林館(Gorilla Rainforest)都是不錯的選擇,大猩猩雨林館可是北美最大的室內猩猩展館!另外一系列項目後續還等著您參與,包含騎駱駝、騎小馬,和袋鼠漫步、一睹蘇門答臘虎三胞胎和科莫多巨蜥幼崽等等。這些可都是加拿大人的遊玩首選哦!

地址:361A Old Finch Ave; northeast of downtown at Highway 401 and Meadowvale Rd (exit 389), Scarborough
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點
多倫多城市通票 暢遊著名景點


To receive your Toronto CityPASS ticket booklet, you must exchange your voucher at ANY ONE OF THE LISTED ATTRACTIONS in Toronto. You must have valid photo ID with you. Please note, the ticket booklet will not be sent out to you in advance.

Your Toronto CityPASS is valid for nine days from date of first use Unused ticket booklet is valid for 12 months from date of purchase



CN Tower:
The World's Tallest Building and Wonder of the Modern World is Canada's most celebrated architectural triumph, offering Toronto's most spectacular views! Visit the Look Out Level at 1,136 ft, Sky Pod - the World's Highest Man-made Observation Level at 1,465 ft, or test your nerve on the Glass Floor 1,122 ft above the ground! Enjoy casual dining in Horizons Cafe or award-winning dining in 360 Restaurant.

Ticket valid for Observation plus Sky Pod Experience - includes Look Out, Glass Floor and Sky Pod levels.

Location: 301 Front Street West, in the heart of the Toronto Entertainment District

Royal Ontario Museum:
Home to world-renowned collections of art, archeology, science and nature. From dinosaurs and Egyptian antiquities to European period rooms and the Hands-on Biodiversity Gallery. Don't miss the ever-changing special exhibitions including Views of the Future, architectural redevelopment projects, and major traveling exhibitions from around the globe!

Ticket valid for general admission only. Additional charge will apply for special exhibitions Pearls:
Location: 100 Queen's Park (at Bloor St. West and Avenue Rd)

Casa Loma:
As seen on A&E's America's Castles, this 98 room landmark features unique architecture and beautifully decorated suites complete with soaring ceilings, rich wood carving and sumptuous marble. Expose secret passages, climb twisting towers and traverse an 800-foot tunnel to luxurious stables. Five acres of beautiful estate gardens surround the castle (in bloom May - Oct).

Ticket valid for general admission only.

Location: 1 Austin Terrace, corner of Spadina and Davenport Rd

Ontario Science Center:
It delights, informs and challenges visitors through engaging and thought-provoking experiences in science and technology, transforming the way in which people see and think about the world. Entertaining scientific fun is explored in more than 800 interactive exhibits including KidSpark, developed for kids aged 1-8 years.

Ticket valid for general admission only. Separate admission charge for OMNIMAX Theater and Parking.

Location: 770 Don Mills Rd at Eglinton Ave East. Accessible by car, with on-site parking

Toronto Zoo:
Over 5,000 animals in a 710 acre zoological park! Explore the Zellers Discovery Zone and New Kids' Zoo, an interactive children's wildlife experience; Splash Island, a 2-acre water play area; and the 750 seat Waterslide Theater, home of the Amazing Animal Show. Visit 30-acre African Savanna and the Gorilla Rainforest, the largest indoor Gorilla exhibit in North America. Take a Camel, Pony, and Safari Simulator ride, walk with the Kangaroos, and see the new Sumatran tiger triplets and Komodo dragon babies - both Canadian firsts.

Location: 361A Old Finch Ave; northeast of downtown at Highway 401 and Meadowvale Rd (exit 389), Scarborough



1. 訂購成功後,我們會通過E-Mail將[電子票(Voucher)]傳送到您的Email,您也可以登入會員中心,在訂單詳情中檢視[電子票(Voucher)]。
2. 請在旅行當日攜帶確認的?電子票(Voucher)?和有效身份證件到指定地點參加活動。













  • 5分

  • 4分

  • 3分

  • 2分

  • 1分

  • madcow1122015-08-27

    Great, easy to use and we picked the pass up very easily from Casa Loma, no major queue for the CN Tower and we had a great day at the Zoo with only transport to pay for so well worth it.

  • Christian X2015-08-21

    Very good value for money, I got to skip the outside Que for the CN tower and Ontario royal museum. the only downside is that you need to use them within 9 days, should be at least 12-15 days.

  • Ryan C2015-08-12

    Although we did not get to do everything on this tour, what we did we really enjoyed. Casa Loma is really interesting. The story behind the man who built it was really entertaining. The Zoo is awesome. They had pandas which was really unique. The CN Tower is one of the most well-known landmarks in Toronto. While I can't say I was overly impressed as I had done the John Hancock Observatory and the Sears Tower in Chicago, and it is a somewhat similar experience, it was still something good to say we had seen. It was really easy to pick up the tickets. I enjoyed the tour and would highly recommend it.

  • Arsalan S2015-06-23

    It was amazing tour and m looking forword to use city passes in other cities too..anyways amazing city pass program&:&:

  • Cheryl L. M2015-06-19

    Did all but zoo. Royal Ontario Museum and CN Tower were the best, the rest was not that interesting.

  • Taylor G2015-06-18

    This tour with Emil and Don was great! I have a service dog and they accommodated my sister and i so well! It was wonderful! Money well spent!

  • Belinda N2015-06-11

    Although we did not use all the vouchers we had we saved money and well covered the cost
    Attraction are well worth seeing

  • Monnie2014-11-01

    Good value for the money, however, you need at least 3 days to due it justice.. You could spend several days at the Royal Ontario Museum and we only had a few hours. Casa Loma is also a great place to visit. I was disappointed that the CN Tower did not include or at least offer a discount to go to the top deck. It was cloudy and rainy during our visit so the view as not great, but that is the chance you take. Both the Toronto Zoo and Ontario Science Center require a bus or subway ride if you do not have a car so we were not able to use them.

  • JOHN t2014-10-12

    This if you haven't got a car is not worth doing. Might be cheaper to buy the tickets as you went along. We thought that the hop on hop off bus went to all the attractions that the the city pass provided but we were wrong. We had two places The Zoo and the Science Museum we never went to as it would have meant we had to get a taxi. That incurring extra costs. In future when we buy city passes we will double check the places the hop on hop off buses visit. This is the first time we have experienced this.

  • Judith B2014-09-08

    Very good. Great way to see the places and having already paid could get in faster to the places

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