Rural Experience

  • Rural Experience

    Rural Experience



  • Ascoli Piceno

  • 5 hours



Rural Experience is a recreational, soulfil, cultural and teaching experience that reconsiders the Rural Tourism and make people rediscover the values of traditions. It is a way to promote a land and to spread its culture; a chance to go back to the origins and learn how to make, create and prepare things as they used to be. Our aim is making the tourist taking part in the production processes of natural products, in a real and very close contact with the nature.?We're specialized in Le Marche and Abruzzo Regions daily tours and in promoting the Real Made in Italy.We're the holiday solution for conscious travellers, families, young people and everyone who wants to know about culture and tradition of the destination.We provide daily tours to find out Le Mache and Abruzzo specialities and Grand Tour for those who want to live more than one experience.



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  • 費用說明
  • 使用者評價


The typical experience start in the Farm at 10 o'clock in the morning with the Farm, stables visit, according to the travel dates we can suggest the right and periodical activities linked to plants/products lifecycle, in each period is possible to get your rural experience! After the first visit and activities on ground, like a rural, we'll introduce the participants providing educational material, about Access denied