Day Trip To Adadi Maryam Rock Hewan Churches And Tiy Stelae Archeological Sites

  • Day Trip To Adadi Maryam Rock Hewan Churches And Tiy Stelae Archeological Sites

    Day Trip To Adadi Maryam Rock Hewan Churches And Tiy Stelae Archeological Sites



  • Addis Ababa

  • 8 hours



70km to the drive south of Addis Ababa? and our first stop It was built around the 12 th and 13th C and the history of the establishment of the church have a connection with ST Lalibela when he come to visit the scared mountain of Ziquala in the 12th c he built the church for the commemoration of st Mary’s then we will be beheading UNESCO registerd sites with among the most important of the roughly 160 archaeological sites discovered so far in the Soddo region, south of Addis Ababa. The site contains 36 monuments, including 32 carved stelae covered with symbols, most of which are difficult to decipher. They are the remains of an ancient Ethiopian culture whose age has not yet been precisely determined.



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Tour Name :Day Trip To Adadi Maryam Rock Hewan Churches And Tiya Stelae Archeological Sites
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