Shodo Experience in Nagoya

  • Shodo Experience in Nagoya

    Shodo Experience in Nagoya



  • Nagoya

  • 1 hour 30 minutes



All necessary equipment included
Perfect for all ages and skill level
Led by a local guide
Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience
Learn the art of shodo, Japanese brush calligraphy, in this 1.5-hour experience in Nagoya. Discover the beauty of writing with a fude (Japanese calligraphy brush) and bokujyu (black ink)?step by step to create your own unique souvenir. The lesson is perfect for first time visitors who want to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture.



  • 產品標題
  • 產品描述
  • 出發時間
  • 價格
  • 產品詳情
  • 行程概要
  • 預定須知
  • 費用說明
  • 使用者評價


At the arranged time, make your own way to the Shurei Shodo classroom, close to Kurokawa train station.
Greet your teacher and receive instructions written in English. Follow the instructions, and practice shodo calligraphy step-by-step.
Your posture and the way you hold the brush are very important when beginning shodo. After learning the correct posture and grip, learn how to write many types of lines using the brush.
Next, receive some Japanese words to practice such as 'love,' 'heart,' 'friend,' 'dream,' or 'samurai.' You can practice as many times as you like. Do not hesitate to ask your teacher questions.
After practicing, try writing on a special kind of paper called shikishi. After completing your calligraphy art, your teacher gives you a stamp as a souvenir.
Take your own unique shodo calligraphy art home with you to remember