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訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意Jenni ***(2017年08月02日)
I'm very satisfide with Eddie, our tour guide's work. He is kind, nice and humorous. He always gave us detailed information in both English and Chinese whenever we got to a new sightseeing place. Sometimes if someone has a question or complainment, he always smiled to answer and solve the problem. He is professional and knowledge. I definitely learned a lot from him, on this tour. Jennifer
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意Team *(2017年08月02日)
We are impressed by the Apertise of the tour guide by the name of Gerry. As he provides us informations about the places to be visited, we feel that we're surging the internet. He is so knowledgeable about the history, background and origin of the places we are going to explore. He really did a good job. The six-day tour gave us an avenue to reach the places in United States which we see only in posters ,pictures or movies. We have seen the wonders of God's creation through the Niagara Falls, the serenity of Niagara Fort , the famous Harvard University in Boston, the creativity and artistry of designs Time Square in New york, etc. It's more fun that we're joined the tour under the management of Mr. Gerry. He attends to his services for the good of his customer as well as for our safety, he gave lots of reminders and instruction of we stayed our travel. We solute you Mr. Gerry for the very good sevice.We appreciate it. Thank you so much. Till us meet again. From: TEAM 2 & 3
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意Ma Li ***(2017年08月02日)
在六天的遊程中,陳導對各處的景點都一一介紹,從介紹中感到他對各處的人文、地理、民俗都比較瞭解和熟悉,英語敘述感受到口語清楚、熟練和流利。對老年遊客在遊程中在語言交流上的困難均能幫助解決,還及時幫助解決回程機票的安排處理,解決了我們的回程後顧之憂。 還有行車司機駕駛熟練,態度和藹,幫助遊客存放和拿取行李。 總之,六天的行程很短,但他們熱情待客的精神一直留在我們大家的心中,謝謝! 遊客 Ma Lin Yuan 2017.4.10
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意樊先 *(2017年08月02日)
參團遊客表揚信: 六天之旅結束了,陳導一路的帶領,讓我們倍感親切,依依不捨。 一路走來,陳導細心、耐心、服務周到,對景點的講解詳細、專業。 不辭辛勞為大家服務,非常高的素質,讓大家開心、輕鬆地結束了旅程,深表謝意,並祝陳導工作愉快!!! 樊先生 4月9日于波士頓
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意馮豔 *(2017年08月02日)
參團遊客表揚信: 既活潑、風趣,又沉穩、大方,幾天的旅途中與導遊在一起,有家人在一起,很舒服的感覺。 謝謝! 馮豔 4/8/2017
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意wang ***(2017年08月02日)
Mr Xu is a very nice tour guide.He let us feel like a big family.He give us a lot of help.He took care of everyone and make us feel happy and relax.He is a sunshine boy so he always make us laugh.This trip is a really-unforgettable exprience. Wang 4/7/2017
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意王曉 *(2017年08月02日)
我們是來自北京的遊客,參加了貴社4月4日的六天旅遊團。從4月3日起,潘導遊就把我們從機場接到飯店。潘導工作熱情,態度和藹。一路上替我們著想,我們沒想到的事情也為我們考慮到了。儘量讓我們多玩好的景點。這次旅行遇見潘導這樣的好導遊,讓我們的旅程非常愉快!再次感謝貴社給我們安排的活動,和潘導在一起六天愉快的旅途。 遊客:王笑然、王曉冬 2017.4.9
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意張先 *(2017年08月02日)
參團遊客表揚信: 感謝小潘:熱情服務,周到細緻 遊客 張先生 2017.4.9
訂購:非常滿意出行:非常滿意Grace ***(2017年08月02日)
參團遊客表揚信: Wayne感謝這次的紐約之行,你熱誠與親切的服務,為我們這麼詳細的解說與幫助,在此致上最誠摯的感謝。後會有期 Grace
訂購:非常滿意出行:比較滿意BOB ***(2017年08月02日)
The driver and the tour guide are very experienced and helpful.